美服《上古卷轴》赢得PS4或Xbox One游戏控制台

2015-04-28 1731

MMORPG.com很高兴参加这个独家抽奖活动!我们与Zenimax Online合作,发放给获奖者Xbox One或PlayStation4游戏控制台!将有10份《上古卷轴》数字下载副本作为亚军奖!


Zenimax Online不是这个提议的发起人或管理人,对此优惠不承担任何责任。


MMORPG.com is very pleased to present this exclusive sweepstakes event! We have partnered with Zenimax Online to give away the winners choice of a Xbox One or Playstation 4 gaming console! There will be 10 runner up prizes of digital download copies of The Elder Scrolls Online!


Zenimax Online is not a sponsor or administrator of this offer and assumes no responsibility for this offer.

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