
2015-05-14 1252
Grinding Gears透露,即将到来的扩张觉醒的赞助包销量已经超出了预期。价格范围从30美元到1100美元,玩家得到了游戏中的广泛的奖金和福利。购买者也将会自动进入扩张发展的内测阶段。




Grinding Gears has revealed that sales of Supporter Packs for the upcoming expansion, The Awakening, have exceeded expectations. Ranging in price from $30 to $1,100, players get a wide range of in-game bonuses and perks. Buyers will also be given automatic access to the closed beta phase of the expansion's development.

In addition the fantastic sales, the team also introduced a new feature in the Divination Card System:

Divination Cards are a new type of item that drops from monsters you encounter while playing The Awakening. Sets of cards can be traded to the Act Four NPC Tasuni in exchange for the item referenced on the card. Each card type drops in specific areas of Wraeclast, so careful choice of where to play allows you to maximise your chances of obtaining the desired item.
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