
2015-08-11 929
《龙之信条OL》结束了4月28日的Alpha。Capcom公司最近宣布在日本的Beta测试将发生在今年夏天,有三个平台,PlayStation 3,PlayStation 4以及PC。




Dragon's Dogma Online ended their Alpha on April 28. Capcom recently announced their Beta Test in Japan will happen this summer on three platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC.

In the last Alpha the character customization system is simple, only a few changes are allowed. The combat with small monsters is very easy for players. After reaching level 10, players will get full knowledge of Dragon's Dogma Online.

A large group battle グリッデン砦攻防戦 should make players feel excited. Eight players can enter the dungeon, they stay in a castle that is under siege by monsters from all sides. 
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