美服《鸦陨》堡垒概念的演变 游戏发展的必然变化

2015-05-18 522
《鸦陨》网站的最新更新展示了三款新概念艺术品,和最初显示在社区的有所不同。在随后的博客文章中,J. Todd Coleman将详细介绍艺术品为什么以及发生了怎样的变化,这是开发中的游戏发展的必然变化。此外,他还写道,更改是为了玩家的利益。



The latest update on the Crowfall site shows off three new pieces of concept art that are different from those originally shown to the community. In a subsequent blog post, J. Todd Coleman goes into detail about why and how the changes were made and writes that this is the inevitable change inherent with a game in development. Further, he writes, changes are made for the player's benefit.

In all cases, when we need to make a change, we will TRY to make that change to YOUR BENEFIT —meaning that we'll try and make the change in such a way that the people who have already pledged are happy with the change(s)!  If we can solve the problem by making the asset HARDER-FASTER-STRONGER-BETTER, we will do so — every time.
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