
2015-05-20 573




In celebration of the seventh anniversary of Age of Conan, the latest Letter from the Producer reveals the addition of two new areas for players to explore. The Blue Mountains and Vanaheim at Fort Storisbjorn will become part of the epic main storyline along with attendant side quests and the ability to score some great gear.

In addition, a new bear mount type will be added and a small group dungeon experience for one to three players that will cover several different scenarios.

Of course, we've got side quests to go along with the main story quest.  In fact, we have quite a few!  We want to maximize the experience with these side quests; we've designed it so they are set to change daily.  We've also put a system into place to ensure that the combination of these quests are maximized so that we create as many unique play-troughs as possible.
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