美服《装甲战争》初始测试启动 拥有1百万个早期访问玩家

2015-05-28 516





Obsidian Entertainment and My.com have announced that today marks the initial beta test for Armored Warfare. Over one million early access players will take part who have preordered various game packages.

The First Early access test will be taking place from May 27th, 2015 to June 3rd, 2015 from 8pm – 11pm ET on weekdays and 7pm – midnight ET on weekends.

The first round of the Early Access testing contains following features:

*38 vehicles from multiple countries of tiers 1 to 6 
*4 PvP maps 
*Updated artillery system
*Commander and crew skills
*Multiple tank upgrades 
*Two tank dealers 
*Wide range of shells to use against your opponents
*A clan system and a platoon system
*Achievement system 
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