
2015-05-28 1397



It's really an upset thing that when you're trying to give your character a great name, then you find this name has been taken by someone else. The team behind TERA is trying to solve such problem. As we all know, TERA has been running for a long time, which means a lot of character names have already been taken in game. With the influx of new players following the release of TERA on Steam, the decision has been made to free up names taken by characters that are no longer in use.

All characters that have been inactive since June 25th, 2014 will have their names changed to placeholders and these names will be released in the active pool. This will allow players to claim these names when creating a new character or using a name change voucher. The release is going to be done on June 25th. If you've been taking a break and don't want to lose your old character's name, make sure log in once before the day.
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