
2015-05-29 1345





According to the news from Carbine, developer of WildStar, this struggling MMO will become free-to-play in this autumn with the exact date unannounced. When the free-to-play switch happens, the entire game will be available to players for free, including all dungeons, raids, adventures, shiphand missions and PvP modes. 

The game will feature an optional monthly membership that will provide bonuses to XP, crafting and item and currency rewards. In addition, an in-game store will sell convenience and cosmetic items. According to Carbine, almost every in-game store item will have an equivalent for those players that "want to invest time rather than money."

In addition to going free-to-play, Carbine will be working to make even more quality of life and content changes within WildStar:

*Streamlining player and item stats to be much more intuitive while adding high-level options to give players more flexibility.
*Making the Amp system easier to use by unlocking all Amp slots.
*Reviewing dungeons and open world content so that the experience is challenging, but not brutal.
*Changing the tutorial and early game experience to provide a better and quicker introduction.
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