
2015-05-30 1055

冠军之战将在周二,6月2日下午12点开始,结束于周三,6月3日下午12 点。据点模式是《激战2》荆棘之心的一个令人兴奋的新的竞争模式,混合策略,基于角色的扮演和身临其境的故事元素。像以前的《激战2》荆棘之心事件,玩家可以自由地捕捉视频,截图,甚至据点模式的现场表演,见证了游戏的乐趣。想要了解更多的手游项目或者游戏工作室项目,专业玩家为你提供一站式服务。


Today ArenaNet announced that the Stronghold PVP mode will be getting another beta event, for an entire 24 hours from June 2nd at 12pm PDT to June 3rd at 12pm PDT.

The Battle of Champion's Dusk will start Tuesday, June 2 at 12 p.m. PDT and ends on Wednesday, June 3 at 12 p.m. PDT. Stronghold mode is an exciting new competitive mode coming to Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns that blends deep strategy, role-based play, and immersive story elements into PvP. Like previous Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns beta events, players are free to capture video, screenshots and even livestream their performance in Stronghold mode so even non-Guild Wars 2 players can witness the in-game fun.
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