
2015-06-11 873



The Hearthstone site has been updated with a look at a new game mode called "Tavern Brawl". Set to arrive in mid-June, Tavern Brawl lets players face off against one another each week using preset rules that, for instance, might call for using premade decks or, alternately, creating a brand new deck according to specific guidelines.

Tavern Brawls will be free to enter when the new mode becomes available, and you'll even earn a free card pack for winning your first Brawl every week during the launch period! The innkeeper is always stocking new things, so future Brawls may come with a different set of rewards. Tavern Brawls will be available Wednesday–Sunday each week [depending on your region], and the opportunities for new challenges are endless!

The update will also include customizable card backs and new heroes, the first of which is Magni Bronzebeard with more on the way.
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