
2015-06-13 2241
EA的E3 2015年新闻发布会定于下周6月15日,在此期间将会有更多的信息提供给《星球大战:旧共和国》的玩家,他们期待的是刚刚宣布的堕落帝国骑士的扩张。



During EA's E3 2015 Press Conference scheduled for next week on June 15th, more information will be revealed to Star Wars: The Old Republic players and what they have to look forward to as the year progresses with the just announced Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion.

Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – The largest story-driven expansion to date, Knights of the Fallen Empire, marks a renewed focus on cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Old Republic. The expansion will deliver on the hallmarks of what makes a great BioWare™ game: new worlds to explore, new companions to recruit, and a dynamic story that players will be able to shape based on the choices they make.
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