
2015-06-13 816


Remember when we told you that some "special friends" would be joining Sonic to celebrate Sonic Dash accumulating 100 million downloads? Did you expect those friends to be Angry Birds?

Yes, it's true, Sega and Rovio have joined forces for a special three week-long in-game event. It sees the newly-launched Angry Bird Fight invading Sonic Dash. Each week of the event, one of the Angry Birds will be unlockable as a playable character in Sonic Dash to make three in total. All you have to do is collect the Angry Birds character tokens while running through levels inSonic Dash.

As this is Angry Birds Fight and not regular Angry Birds, the three characters are in their fantasy forms. So you get Red as a Knight, Chuck as a Mage, and Bomb as a Pirate.And don't worry, once you've unlocked the Angry Birds they'll be playable inSonic Dash after the event has closed.
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