
2015-06-22 654

Port Phoenix是第三个将在下周添加到游戏中的玩家所拥有的城镇模板。它位于沼泽生物群系。每周更新都会有几个伟大的截图展示它将如何出现在游戏中。



Despite the fact that E3 was held the last week, Shroud of the Avatar devs were busy detailing new features added to the game. Of particular note is the inclusion of the new player owned swamp template and Order of Vengeance PvP Tournaments. 

Port Phoenix is the third player-owned town template to be added to the game next week. It is located in the swamp biome. The weekly update has several great screenshots to show exactly how it will appear in the game.

Added in Release18, Vengeance is the second player-owned town in the game and has played host to several community created PvP tournaments including Moon Tower Power and Siege the Keep.
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