
2015-07-03 1889
最近,韩国游戏发行商Playwith Interactive与俄罗斯出版社Syncopate签署了一项协议。根据协议,Syncopate将通过游戏门户网站GameNet.com发布经典的韩国MMORPG《罗汉》。


Recently, Korean game publisher Playwith Interactive has signed an agreement with Russian publisher Syncopate. According to the agreement, Syncopate will publish the classic Korean MMORPG ROHAN via its game portal GameNet.com.

ROHAN is a free to play MMORPG set in a rich and expansive online world where guilds are honored, assassins are accepted and vengeance is always an option. Via its original full 3D engine "Epoch", ROHAN provides the best graphic and original game characteristic to its gamers.
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