《文明帝国》角色定制 公测即将展开

2015-07-15 3099
由2K Games和XL Games共同开发的《文明帝国》已经在韩国开始其最后的封闭测试。有四个文明选项供玩家选择,埃及、中国、罗马和阿兹特克。


Jointly developed by 2K Games and XL Games, Civilization Online has started its final Closed Beta in Korea. There are four civilization-options for players, Egypt, China, Roman and Aztec.

Apart from testing the stability of servers, the dev. team also want to see Civilization Online's acceptability after its UI has been substantially improved. Besides, the Industrial Age is first added to test.

Civilization Online Open Beta starts on July 14 and ends on July 18 in South Korea. Few days ago, XLgames released two concept videos revealing the gameplay and 'match season' (a gameplay mode is similar to MOBA) of Civilization Online. Interested players can watch them at here and the official website.
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