
2015-07-20 1224





Due to recent player feedback, Blizzard has announced a series of changes to PvP rewards at Ashran and Rated Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft. 

Champion's Strongboxes are rewarded to players for the weekly Ashran quest called Ashran Dominance or for weekly quest Battle Hardened that requires winning three Rated Battlegrounds. Currently players can receive Versatility boots, belts and bracers, however once the hotfix is applied, this will no longer be true and these items will only be available from the Conquest vendors. 

To start, we’d like to clarify exactly what can be found inside a Champion’s Strongbox, as some (though certainly not all) players seemed to be anticipating items that they’d never have been able to get from the Strongboxes anyway:

*Strongboxes can never reward items that can be purchased with Conquest Points.
*Strongboxes can never reward cloaks, necks, or rings.
*Strongboxes can never reward items with set bonuses.
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