
2015-07-21 2613

Machina has been released in Dragon Nest KR on 17th June 2015. And soon she will be playable in Dragon Nest CN on July 23rd. Machina is a pure physical attack melee class, specializing in using a large mecha arm to deal physical damage to enemies.. "The 1st job change for the new class Machina is Patrona; the 2nd job advance for Machina are Ruina and Defensio." according to chaose5.

The main weapon for Machina is steam-powered Knuckle Gear and Claw.  The characteristic for Machina is face-paced action combat, and requires high degree of skill to control it.  Machina can combine the various movement skills and steam (generated from her Knuckle Gear) to generate complicated combo.
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