
2015-07-22 963

Though it has been a long time since the launch of ArcheAge's KR and NA servers, the CN server of ArcheAge is just about to kick off its No-wipe test. Today the Chinese publisher Tencent announced that the game will launch a No-wipe test on August 6th with more than 20 servers opened for players.

In this test, the level cap will be updated to level 40 as well as more gameplays in sea exploration. Meanwhile, the expedition and factions PK features will also become available. There is even some exclusive avatars for the Chinese server.

Just a few days before, the publishers of ArcheAge have team up together to hold a guild PK event. By now there are more than 500 guilds from Korean, Japanese, Russian and North American servers have signed up in this event. We can expect that the global war of ArcheAge is going to start soon.
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