
2015-07-31 505

游戏设计者Thomas Blair和Tully Ackland直接回答有关团队作战设计的问题。“它迫使你采用不同的典范。”开发商说。“这使得战场更有意义。”战斗使得群体之间平衡,如果你讨厌与他人联手,那么该游戏不适合你。专业玩家网VPN代理商城让你拥有更稳定的国外代理VPN,国外代理IP,包含国内各地ip代理,欧美vpn代理ip,日本vpn代理ip,韩国vpn代理ip等。


ArtCraft released a full 20-minute Q&A yesterday for Crowfall, which answers some vital questions including the design of three new members: the Confessor, Knight and Legionnaire, and the philosophy for designing group-based combat, as well as the relationship between weapons, powers, attacks and damage.

Game designers Thomas Blair and Tully Ackland directly answer the question related to the design group-based combat. "It forces you to take different archetypes with you," the developers said. "It makes the battlefield more interesting." The combat is being balanced between groups, If you hate teaming up with others, then it’s the wrong game for you.

Also, the topics for this episode include the designers' thoughts on Crowd Control powers, and the implications that the physics model will have on projectiles.
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