
2015-08-01 1189





The Devilian site has been updated with a new post about the Evoker class from the forthcoming title. The evoker is an elemental spellcaster that can cast frost spells and an array of AOE spells.

As an Evoker, you can pursue skills from three skill trees:

*Control: Render your opponents immobile. Push them into the path of an oncoming storm. With coordination and timing, this skill tree allows you to reshape entire battlefields.

*Assault: Unleash powerful bursts of elemental damage upon foes. With this tree’s wide range of instant-cast spells, you’ll need to watch your mana and stay quick on your feet.

*Burst: Skills in the Burst tree create chain reactions, damaging multiple enemies at once. Whole armies will crumble beneath the might of these spells.
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