
2015-08-05 1125


With the 4-week Summer Alpha event, the sandbox MMORPG Albion Online gets a lot of players' participation and feedback which have exceeded the developer' expectations. To strike while the iron is hot, Sandbox Interactive has now announced the plan for Albion Online Closed Beta, publishing a roadmap with the features and changes to be expected until then.

Highlights of the roadmap include:

* Flattening of the gear power curve to ensure more balanced PvP
* Tailoring gear to 19 different combat styles
* Removal of Silver Tax
* Complete rework of Learning Points system
* Expansions on the „Hellgate“ concept (e.g. 1vs.1 hellgates or 5vs5vs5)
* Introduction of Open World PvP events
* Improved Guild Management tools and logs
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