
2015-08-06 1721
BioWare公司日前透露了一个全新的预告片,《龙腾世纪:审判》计划将于8月11日发布,称为黑暗侵袭,该DLC将检察官和党派加入Deep Roads中。

探寻传说中的Deep Roads,但要确保你是有备而来。一个危险的旅程在地下等待着,这里幅员辽阔,黑暗生物出没的洞穴将挑战审判,这是前所未有的。专业玩家网VPN代理商城为游戏工作室提供最稳定最安全的游戏加速器及免费VPN,解决外服游戏网络延迟,高效解决职业玩家掉线频繁等问题。


Bioware has revealed a brand new trailer for Dragon Age: Inquisition that is scheduled to be released on August 11th. Called The Descent, the DLC takes the Inquisitor and party into the Deep Roads to confront the Darkspawn.

Explore the legendary Deep Roads, but ensure that you come prepared. A perilous journey awaits underground, where vast, darkspawn-infested caverns will challenge the Inquisition like never before.
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