
2015-08-07 894
最近GamesCom2015透露《守望先锋》的两张新地图,Volskaya Industries和Numbani,这两个是以目标为基础的地图。 Volskaya Industries是一个Point Capture地图,位于圣彼得堡附近,Numbani是Point Capture/Payload hybrid地图,设置在非洲大草原边缘。《守望先锋》今年秋天有一个内测,有兴趣的玩家可以报名参加测试,享受惊人的游戏体验。专业玩家网为游戏代练工作室提供优质网络游戏代练服务。

Two new maps for Overwatch were revealed at Gamescom 2015 recently, Volskaya Industries and Numbani, which are two objective-based maps. Volskaya Industries is a Point Capture map located near St. Petersburg, Russia, and Numbani is a Point Capture/Payload hybrid map set in a utopian city on the edge of the African savanna. Now that Overwatch is supposed to have a closed beta this fall, interested players can sign up for Beta to enjoy the amazing gaming experience.
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