
2015-08-08 2229
苏巴游戏宣布,新复活的MMO《轩辕II—飞天历险》(DOMO)将于8月14日下午3:00 EST在Steam平台推出。为了庆祝正式推出,苏巴游戏今天将开始在各种媒体网站给玩家发送限量版宠物羊。









Suba Games announced that the newly resurrected MMO Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO) is set for Steam release on August 14, 2015 at 3:00PM EST. To celebrate the official steam launch Suba Games will begin giving away a Limited Vanity Sheep Pet to players on various media sites today.

DOMO Game Features

·Four unique races all with access to the 14 different classes

·Sub system for combat allowing a mix and match of the 14 different classes and their individual skill systems

·A flight system to traverse the world quickly with a scenic view

·Marriage system for you and your special someone to share a bond and aid one another

·Pet system which enables you to care for and raise a small pet to a powerful ally

·Character customization is vast with all the costume options available

·A vast crafting system which uses materials gathered from many disciplines to form useful items
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