《恶魔契约》揭密炮兵职业 挥舞大炮的美女

2015-08-18 646






Trion Worlds has reveleaded the latest class for Devilian Online. The Cannoneer is, according to the developer blog, a ranged "cannon-wielding cutie".

The Cannoneer skill trees are:

*Gunslinger: Use a range of instant AoE attacks, slows, and traps to snare your enemies while running and gunning your way to victory. For Gunslingers, mobility is key.

*Demolisher: Demolish armor with debuffs and blast devils to smithereens. Your damage will ramp as you attack, but you’ll need to stand your ground to get the full effect.

*Opportunist: The opportunist uses cleverness and trickery to set up surprise attacks.
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