
2015-08-21 960
WEBZEN,曾与开发商POLYGON游戏签署了最新的合作伙伴关系,今天宣布,即将到来的亚洲幻想MMORPG ASTA将在今年晚些时候推出。他们还提到,他们将宣布时间表,并揭示有关传说和游戏系统的更多细节,以及一些真正令人惊叹的游戏中的资产。


WEBZEN, who has signed its latest partnership with developer POLYGON GAMES, today announces that the upcoming Asian fantasy MMORPG ASTA will be available later this year. They also mention that they will announce a schedule for the title soon, and reveal more details regarding the lore and the game systems, as well as some truly stunning in-game assets.

ASTA - The War of Tears and Winds is a lively MMORPG featuring a rich world inspired by Asian culture, and offers a unique element of Asian fantasy along with vibrantly coloured graphics. ASTA will offer players a variety of options for races, classes and characters, along with classic MMO features like PVP battlegrounds and guild battles, a broad crafting system, scenarios and quests with rich lore, a player-driven economy and rewarding dungeons.
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