
2015-08-24 691

在GamesCom期间,玩家有机会预览《恶魔契约》,团队已经收到了积极的反应。从GamesCom返回后,整个Trion家族忙着最新版本的工作。Drewcifer还提到,为《恶魔契约》西部版本专门做了很多修改。Trion正在与Bluehole Ginno游戏合作,使的变化严重依赖RNG技工而进步。专业玩家网VPN代理商城为游戏工作室提供最稳定最安全的游戏加速器及免费VPN,解决外服游戏网络延迟,高效解决职业玩家掉线频繁等问题。

Devilian Producer Drewcifer has published the latest Producer Letter that gives some interesting details about the team's recent visit to Germany during Gamescom.

During Gamescom fans had a chance to get a hands-on preview of Devilian and the team was blown away by the positive reaction it has received. After returning from Gamescom, the entire Trion family is busy at work on the latest build. Drewcifer also mentioned that there are many changes being made specifically for the western version of Devilian. Trion is working with Bluehole Ginno Games to make changes that relied heavily on RNG mechanic to progress.
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