《彩虹岛》Infinity 第3季推出 增加Card Master角色职业

2015-08-24 1784
2D横版MMORPG《彩虹岛》获得了重大更新,其中包括几个主要特点和系统的显著改变,以及新的可玩角色职业的增加,称为Card Master。



2D side-scrolling MMORPG La Tale has received a major update that includes significant changes to several key features and systems, as well as the addition of new playable character class, the Card Master. 

Other features that have been updated are:

*Basic Character and Stat Calculation update with a level cap increase to 220
*Inventory size has been increased
*The Waypoint system has become account-wide
*New tutorial map has been added
*New field maps and dungeons
*Enchantment System update 
*Skill growth system (skills evolve over time)
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