
2015-08-25 548

“有了新启发和竞技特征,以及130多个新卡,“冠军的试炼”给《炉石传说》带来了一个有趣的中世纪比赛的氛围,”首席执行官和暴雪娱乐的创始人之一Mike Morhaime说。“我们迫不及待想看看对于新平台和战略选择有什么想法。”DNF游戏工作室想要了解最新的游戏脚本及游戏赚钱方法,专业玩家是您值得信赖的平台。


Blizzard has announced that the Hearthstone expansion, The Grand Tournament, is now live. Players can log into the game and try out the one hundred thirty new cards and the new game mode that includes new mechanics and the Joust feature.

“With the new Inspire and Joust mechanics, and over 130 new cards to play with, The Grand Tournament brings a fun medieval-tournament vibe to Hearthstone,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We can’t wait to see what players come up with now that they have their hands full with tons of new deck and strategy options.”
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