
2015-08-29 922
随着音乐才子Hans Zimmer的加入,《神佑》备受瞩目。Neowiz神佑工作室和发行商Neowiz公司公布了虚幻3引擎大作《神佑》的最终测试。开始于9月17日,9月25号结束,玩家不低于18岁。

最后的测试阶段将迎来两个新的可玩职业,法师(远程AOE DPS)和刺客(近战爆破DPS)。有人提到有超过800种不同的坐骑和宠物,有些甚至能够代表玩家做任务!玩家可以从环境中获得材料,用于制作装备,如药剂,武器,铠甲,甚至食品!

With the join of the amazing musical talent Hans Zimmer, Bless Online is gradually becoming more highly-anticipated.Neowiz Bless Studio and publisher Neowiz Games announced the Final Test phase for the Unreal Engine 3 masterpiece Bless Online. It will begin from September 17 to September 25, with a minimum age requirement of 18. 

The Final Test phase will welcome 2 new playable classes, Mage (ranged AOE DPS) and Assassin (melee burst DPS). It was mentioned there are over 800 different mounts and pets to tame, with some even able to do quests on the player’s behalf! There will be also be more materials to gather from the environment, used to craft items such as potions, weapons, armors, and even dishes!

Bless Online’s core feature is focused on PVP, which is also known as Realm vs Realm (RVR) here. With the addition of the Mage and Assassin classes, the battlefield will now be vastly different from previous test phases. Not just for personal glory and collecting PVP medals, influence points will also be awarded to the guilds players belong to, allowing more guild features to gradually be available.
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