《沃尔学院101》七周年 超过5000万账户的注册

2015-09-02 610

经过5年的发展,包括一年的测试,在这一天,Merle Ambrose和Gamma开始指导学生,选择职业,并准备与Jade Oni开始一场可怕的战斗(Malistaire还没有露面)!现在,《沃尔学院101》已经七年,超过5000万账户的注册。专业玩家网为所有职业玩家及游戏工作室提供游戏赚钱项目,为美服游戏工作室,韩服游戏工作室,日服游戏工作室,提供国外游戏注册,游戏技术攻略等资讯。

September 2nd is the seventh anniversary of Wizard101 going live to hard drives all over the world.

After five years in development, including a year in Beta, on this day Merle Ambrose and Gamma the Owl started guiding students through picking a class and preparing for that first fearsome fight with the Jade Oni (Malistaire didn’t even think to show up until a few months later)! Now that it’s been seven years and over 50 million registered accounts later.
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