
2015-09-07 530


The upcoming Korean MMORPG The War of Genesis 4 is going to launch its 2nd beta test this month from Sep. 18th to Sep. 22nd. In this test, the level cap will be raised to level 15. The players who reach level 15 in this test can keep their characters in the game's open beta. Meanwhile, there are more than 30 dungeons as well as 80 collectable characters released for players.

If you have played The War of Genesis 4 in its 1st beta test, you must know that in the battle of this game, you can team up with the NPCs. Each player can controls 5 NPCs at most. Besides, you can change your formation during the battle. The formation can provide extra buff such as increasing the attack power or HP. If the NPCs in your formation meet specific requirement, you can even activate the "Target Combo", which includes several types like attack, strengthen and survive.

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