
2015-09-10 577
《天空熔炉》网站更新了一个新海报,称为“Aelion's Call”,包含在即将到来的补丁中,将是一个机械师新玩家陪同他们的朋友,有着较高的信誉。此外,新RAID将被添加,以及几个主要的职业平衡的bug修复。


The Skyforge site has been updated with a new post to preview next week's update called "Aelion's Call". Included in the forthcoming patch will be a mechanic for new players to 'catch up' to their friends with higher Prestige. In addition, a new raid will be added and several major bug fixes are included alongside class balancing.

According to the post on the Skyforge site, the patch is a direct result of the team responding to player feedback specifically regarding balance and quality of life improvements in, for instance, the Invasions system.

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