
2015-09-11 662
Dual Shockers报道称,《龙之信条》今年夏季在日本推出,下载量超过100万次。另外100万角色,其中超过三分之一已经建立。希望在日本的成功将会影响在西方的推出。


Dual Shockers is reporting that Dragon's Dogma Online has been downloaded over a million times since being released in Japan earlier this summer. In addition over a third of a million characters have been created. Hopefully its success in Japan will lead to a Western release.

Capcom has also launched the “three days adventure pass” campaign, that allows players to try out the benefits of the adventure pass optional subscription for free for 72 hours. Unfortunately you’ll still be required to connect via a proxy, as Dragon’s Dogma Online‘s login is region locked via IP.

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