《精英:危险》近距离战斗Beta 4准备部署

2015-09-12 464


The latest Elite: Dangerous newsletter has gone out and contains some exciting news for players as progress on Close Quarters Combat (CQC) is entering the fourth beta phase that is expected to go live today. A stress test will be held perhaps as early as next week to challenge the system to its limits.

As mentioned in last week’s dev update we have been working on a new GPP build and that will be released today. There have been some changes to matchmaking for CQC which should make the process smoother, so this is something we would like you guys to test. To help this CQC is now part of the demo so you can give it a try and the demo time has been extended to 2 hours. Unfortunately if you’ve already played the demo then the time isn’t extended for you.

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