
2015-09-18 1115



如果你喜欢海盗多一点,但是如果你在公海不出去你将会错过它,所有海盗有关的装备周末时在TERA Store中都有50%的折扣。与海盗相关的战利品套盒都是买一赠一!想要了解游戏工作室内部游戏防封技术,专业玩家网防封软件版块包含光子IP,无极挂机宝等多种防封软件及游戏防封技术。

TERA players will be trying to settle the age old...or Internet-old...question of which class reigns supreme, Pirates or Ninjas. Set to coincide with Talk Like a Pirate Day (YARR!) on Saturday, September 19th, players can begin strutting their Ninja-y or Pirate-y stuff beginning today and lasting through Tuesday, September 22nd.

Players entering the 10v10 Corsair's Stronghold battleground will automatically be dressed in Pirate or Ninja gear, complete with accessories to match.

If pirate dungeons are more your thing, you’ll want to board the Shattered Fleet, where you’ll get double loot drops all weekend long!

And if you like the pirate look so much you miss it when you’re not out on the high seas, you’re in luck: All pirate-related items are 50 percent off in the TERA Store all weekend. And pirate-related loot boxes are buy one, get one free!

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