《惊天动地2》展开社会调查 即将复活

2015-09-28 707




While, you could say, Cabal 2 is currently in a crisis the publisher of the game is finally starting to talk to the community. [GM] Icee – the figurehead for the community – started a poll for the community. In this poll the players can decide what the developers are focusing their efforts in next. Besides the often mentioned poor FPS performance of the game and the lack of content there are also options regarding a possible private test server and the already from Cabal Online known Game Advisers.
However, the participation seems really low – only ~90 players have voted after the first day on which the poll is available to the community.
Yet this might be the first step of ESTsoft to improve the lacking communication with the community since the game was released into the Open Beta. In the past ESTsoft changed things without telling the community, taking this step to involve the community in the actual process of updating the game might be the first in of many on a long way to reanimate a game which is already called dead many times by its playerbase.

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