《激战2》管理许多玩家——新的Squad UI亮相

2015-09-30 779
上周末的Twitchcon,ArenaNet揭示了即将到来的Squad UI的首要信息。Squad UI可以让玩家在整个游戏世界中管理大量的玩家。指挥官将能够驾驭高达50名玩家的权利。



During last weekend's Twitchcon, ArenaNet revealed the first information about the forthcoming Squad UI. Squad UI allows players to manage large groups of players throughout the entire game world. Commanders will be able to harness the power of up to fifty players, further subdivided up to fifteen times.

Commanders can accomplish the following in the Squad UI:

*drag and drop players into any of the fifteen squads
*communicate with any, some or all squads simultaneously
*assess health and location of members
*in WvW see what is carried by squad members
*initiate ready-checks
*assign privileges
*form raid squads

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