
2015-10-13 531
Aaron "Legatus" Biedma,北美天空熔炉开发商发布了开发商来信,说他刚刚从与巫师之怒团队的会议回来。他们讨论了《天空熔炉》在北美和欧洲的表现,而且带来了很多非常有建设性的反馈,并提交给《天空熔炉》的俄罗斯开发者。


Aaron "Legatus" Biedma, the North American Skyforge Producer has posted a new producer letter recently, saying that he just returned from a meeting with the Allods Team. They have discussed the performance of Skyforge in both North American and Europe, and a vast amount of very constructive feedback was taken from the western community and presented to Skyforge's Russian devs.

Meanwhile, Biedma also mentioned that class balance changes for PvE and PvP are now in the works, as well as the event changes, more PvP modes and much more. 

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