《激战2》荆棘之心下周到来 会馆是这种新结构的一部分

2015-10-17 644
《激战2》荆棘之心开始倒计时,我们看到的信息都是Guild Week提供的,直到其10月23日推出。该团队一直在努力于这一点,现在是收获的时候。


There comes the final countdown for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, and we will be presented with the Guild Week until its launch on October 23rd. The team has been working hard on this and it is the time to harvest.

In their design, Guild Halls are designed to be part of this new structure as a means to bring players together around a place they can call their own. They’ll take territory from the enemy and guard it, then repair it together with resources collected and unlocked upgrades and buildings. Then personalized decoration will help to make it a place everyone will be proud to call home.

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