《上古世纪》本周去除封印 给玩家提供更好的游戏体验

2015-10-21 611



Today the ArcheAge team posted an announcement on the game's official forum, explaining that they're going to remove the blockades in the game. According to the announcement, the decision is made in order to provide a better gameplay experience for the players.

Starting on October 23rd, players can no longer set up blockades anywhere in the game via any means. In addition, they may also not able to use their vehicles, ships, bodies, or another means to block someone from planting on their private land, interactable items.

Leading up to October 23rd, users who create blockades will receive a warning, and will have their blockades removed. After the 23rd, users who initiate blockades may receive temporary or permanent account bans for repeated abuse.

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