
2015-10-24 504
《解放圣城》网站更新了有关最新职业的一些精彩信息——变形者。变形者有三种形式,每个都有其独特的能力:黑骑士和Child of Loki,魔法骑士。



The Camelot Unchained site has been updated with some fantastic information about the latest class to be revealed, the Shapeshifters. Shapeshifters come in three forms, each with its own set of unique abilities: Black Rider, Child of Loki and Enchanted Knight.

As an example, the Black Rider's background:

Also known as the Dullahan, the Black Riders are a frightening vision on the field of battle. These headless riders may be the most terrifying of all the shapeshifters. While their attacks may not be as physically powerful as those of their opposing Realms’ counterparts, their ability to spread fear and use their severed heads and spinal cords as weapons makes them quite the challenging foe.

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