
2015-11-05 1234
En Masse今天宣布,其免费任玩动作MMORPG《TERA》将于12月发布新更新。在本次更新中,我们会看到一个名为肉搏者的新职业。

“肉搏者配备了一个拳头,从头到脚。 Hit counter是肉搏者的拳头和躲闪战斗作风的关键。而当她的愤怒计量仪建立起来,她可以用她的大拳头释放毁灭性的连击。

En Masse announced today that its free-to-play action MMORPG TERA is getting a new update in December. In this update, we will meet a new Tank class named Brawler.

"The brawler packs a serious punch and can go toe-to-toe with the biggest bosses in the game. The new hit counter is the key to the brawler's 'punch and parry' fighting style. And when her rage meter builds up, she can unleash devastating combos with her massive 'powerfist' gauntlets."

Besides, the update will also bring us two new dungeons. What's more, 2 new endgame armors will also be released, which are the tier 8 Dreadnaught set and the tier 9 Starfall set.

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