《剑灵》职业——武林高手 建议有经验的玩家使用

2015-11-09 485



While their mighty punches and kicks can lay waste to enemies, a Kung Fu Master's true power is their ability to catch an opponent's attack, divert the blow, then counter-attack in the blink of an eye. Due to the precision needed to switch between offensive and defensive abilities, the Kung Fu Master is recommended only for the more experienced.

Kung Fu Masters can control the flow of combat through use of combination attacks. While they are capable of facing multiple enemies at once, leaping and pouncing from one foe to another, they are most effective in one-on-one combat.

The Kung Fu Master's greatest strength is how well they cooperate with other warriors. By leading the charge, the Kung Fu Master can force an enemy into submission while teammates pour on the damage.

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