
2015-11-30 1077
《颓废之心》已经在Google上重新启动曾经解散的《颓废之心》的粉丝会很高兴听到,游戏已经在Google上重新启动。《颓废之心》通过Eyedentity Mobile起死回生。
Fans of the once-defunct Rusty Hearts will be pleased to hear that the game has made a return to live service via Google Play for mobile devices. Rusty Hearts has been brought back to life via Eyedentity Mobile.
Bring monsters in close and kill them in one exciting move! Wipe out ceaseless waves of enemies with a dynamic move in this easy and quick pace of battles.
Cartoon Rendering leads you into the animation action. The animation-like graphics vitalize the game’s style, allowing you immerse more into the game.
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