《九阴真经》Mobile Tie-In“Dynasty”于2016年1月推出

2016-01-08 501
Snail Games宣布《九阴真经》Mobile Tie-In“Dynasty”将于2016年1月在iOS和Android设备推出。“Dynasty”的封闭测试刚结束,开发人员获得了大量的建设性反馈。
Snail Games has announced that the Age of Wushu mobile tie-in called "Dynasty" will launch for both iOS and Android devices in January 2016. The closed beta for Dynasty recently ended and gave developers plenty of constructive feedback for iterative improvements between now and launch day.
AoWD's global release version will continue to optimize and improve upon the game's core features and systems, including:
*Four schools for players to choose from, each featuring a unique martial arts style
*An immersive, living Chinese martial arts fantasy-themed open world
*Refinements of vivid scenery based on real historic locations
*Bug fixes in real-time PvP and Co-op combat systems*Continued localization optimization
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