《梦幻神魔大冒险》新功能 公会英雄相互交换

2015-12-10 569
《梦幻神魔大冒险》新功能 公会英雄相互交换享受超过25万下载量的一个好结果,《梦幻神魔大冒险》并没有得到满足,继续发展。
Enjoying an excellent result of over 250,000 downloads, Heroes Tactics: Mythiventures does not get satisfied and proceed towards better.
New contents including Chapters 7 and 8 featuring new quests, heroes, monsters, and of course loot will be updated, as well as the new Guild Hero Exchange feature that will allow Guild members to borrow rare hero characters from other Guild members. Need reinforcement? Get help from guild members! The new Pegasus hero flies in soon to Heroes Tactics: Mythiventures to join your crew!
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