《天空熔炉》庆典 所有玩家都将获得奖励

2015-12-11 629
开发商Allods Team和黑曜石以及出版商My.com邀请《天空熔炉》的所有玩家参与冬季庆典,庆祝即将到来的假日,从12月10日持续至1月6日,庆祝活动将包括冒险挑战和冰雪覆盖的冒险以赚取全新的季节性奖励,像冬季主题坐骑,新年服饰,甚至烟花!
Developers Allods Team and Obsidian Entertainment and publisher My.com are inviting all Skyforge players to celebrate the upcoming holiday season with the Winter Celebration, lasting from December 10 through January 6. The season festivities will include loads of of chilling challenges and snow-covered adventures to earn all-new seasonal rewards like a winter themed mount, New Year costumes and even fireworks!
The new limited edition Winter Packs will contain instant class unlocks to Aelion's powerful and popular Gunner and Archer classes, unique holiday costumes and much more. If that was wasn't enough to make players jolly, everyone is invited to take gifts from under the Christmas tree every day!
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