
2015-12-14 436
动作MORPG《魔剑英雄》由Neowiz pmang开发,最近增加了一个新角色,吸血鬼,这是即将在下个月推出的一系列补丁事件。没有传统吸血鬼的尖牙,吸血鬼能够进入战场,一股黑烟,用他举动的镰刀造成可怕的攻击。
The Action MORPG Asker Online developed by Neowiz Pmang recently has added a new character, The Blood Vampire, which is part of a series of patch events to be rolling out over the next month. Without the fangs to suck blood as traditional vampire, the Blood Vampire is able to move on the battlefield in a puff of dark smoke and cause terrible attack with his giant scythe.
The new character is pretty cool to play the game seems to have improved a bit since the Open Beta. The servers didn't seem all that popular though, starting to worry about the health of this Action MORPG! The game is currently available in Korea for now.
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