
2015-12-30 1476
要取代直接交易,新的拍卖行已经发布。从现在起,玩家必须使用TP(Tree of Savior Points)购买装备。TP随时间积累,也可以用真实货币购买。你可以粗略地看一下下面的拍卖行:
It has been a while since the launch of Tree of Savior's open beta in South Korea. Recently, the game received an update, which removed the direct trading between players. Nexon and IMC Games explained that direct trading aids the growth of currency traders and may cause imbalance to the economy. However, it seems players are quite upset about it.
Earlier today, players from the game's South Korea server staged an in-game protest, and you can see the image below. Meanwhile, at Tree of Savior's Reddit page there are also several posts indicating this issue.
To replace the direct trading, a new auction house has been released. From now on, players have to use TP (Tree of Savior Points) to purchase the list items. TP accumulates over time or can be purchased with real money when the game is commercial launched.
* TP accumulation: once your TP is less than 5 you'll gain 1 TP every 2 hours whether you're online or offline.
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